Monday, January 28, 2013

I was wondering few days back, talking to someone about what i am doing and how i moved to Norway from Romania, and that person was asking me if it was hard to leave Romania?
I took a deep breath, and said : more than you can think. I had such an amazing life there, involved in so many things and having such good people arround me who helped me grow spiritual so much and yet, God was calling me to Norway.

Norway for me, it was like wilderness...i just couldn't experience God in the same way as i was experiencing Him in Romania and couldn't understand why, at that moment.
Then, after i came finally to Norway, i got in a deep, deeeeeep depression, which of course i would have not called it ''depression'' cuz, i didn't believe that God's children can get in depression, and yet, there i was, in a deep depression. Confused, lost and hopeless. Until, God met me there, in that wilderness and spoke to me. Oh, such glorious moments. I realised, that for me, at that time, God was not the same, as He says He is yesterday, today and tomorrow. It took me a while to realise this.

After that ''while'' felt like my whole world turned upside down. I had to literally take His word and speak it out loud so that i can believe again, ''faith comes by hearing'' , and i am telling you, God's precious and powerful Word, still brings to life. Was like my heart was brought back to life. I started to believe that God is the s.a.m.e. and that wherever i go, i should be able to live with God and carry this faith within me, because God is not limited by circumstances nor situations we are, but He is God at ALL time and in ALL places.

That was the moment when i released God's plans with my life for this timing. Embracing His plans, His thoughts which are always better than mine, made me get where i am today.

An advice : embrace God's will for the time and season you are in, even though you hate it and you want it another way. You will experience God's amazing blessings that are coming along with your surrender.

Just felt that i should share this tonight. Is another side of God's beautiful plan for this season of my life.