Monday, January 28, 2013

Rromi  Ministry  on  the  streets  of  Stavanger

I just have to write about this amazing stories that have been taking place here, in Stavanger, the place that God has been putting me for now.
Everything started with just walking on these streets and really, i have been avoiding these people too...even thought i knew how they are, their situation, spoke the language of their heart.
Until, one day, when we went out ministrying  with IMI church. I was looking for hints and people, signes, whatever God could lead me to share His love. Keep bomping though in these rromi people, whom i just didn’t like. And after like 1 hour of just going arround and nothing to get my attention, heard the Spirit of the Lord talking to me....and saying..”you are looking for signes and „special people” whom You think i want to touch, when in fact they are standing right in front of you! Why are you running from these people? Can’t you see that i want to touch them? Are you that blind?’’ 
That was the moment when all the chains of judgement or prejudice or anything else was falling to the ground and suddenly such love was born inside of me that just couldn’t comprehand. Came back to the Prayer House and told Oddrun that i want to start doing something about this people. She looked at me and said, „i was thinking to talk to you about this, i have it on my heart for a while but just can’t get to talk to them since have no idea of their heart language.’’ 
This is how this ministry was born. Since then, which is a month and a week ago, every Thursday we go out with lunch and tea. It’s been just fantastic the way God was opening this door. So many stories and speechless moments.
Met arround 15 of them, with some of them have a special relationship, allowing me to know them better. They call me „our girl” . There is a family, whom i met and helped quit much, they even came to the Romanian Gathering on Saturdays. Such a blessing to know them. The mother of the husband has diabetes, in a very advances form and only had left the doze for this month. In Romania, the help that the Goverment was giving for diabetes people was cute, maybe not all, but a big part of it so they could not get it anymore. That is why she was here, standing on the street, in cold, rain,  even snow and just hoping that someone would stop for a moment and hear her story.
We manage to raise some money and provide with some dozes of insulin and gave it to her and that was such a blessing for entire family, couse it’s a burden for the whole family after all.
Forgot to mention, that all these rromi people are sleeping in cars, in parking places outside Stavanger. No place to shower, wash clothes or sleep. Just the car.
We also manage through amazing people who wanted to help, to provide with balnkets, some pillows and duna, shoes for children and winter socks and sweaters.
Been told storied like, after i met the people and started to pray, problems got solved, like Claudia’s problem, she and her husband went through such a hard time, her husband losing the driving licence and the police took their car and wanted to send them back home. When i met her that week she was sooo down and sad, you could see her heart i just prayed for her and a week later the problem was solved. He got the driving license back, i don’t know how, they don’t know how, couse they couldn’t comunicate with the police. But actually, i do know, it was God. Only God. :)
Another case was of a man and a woman, their car broke down and had no way how to fix it. After i met them, my heart was just sooo sore about them.  Started to pray for them and next week when i went to visit them, they were shinning, got to fix the car! And even said that they were looking for a romanian church, they heard of the one i am going to, so they would love to join! God is so faithful!
Others were crying out for jobs, small  jobs, and while i was taking the lunch to them got phone calls, norwigans offering them small jobs!  My heart was so blessed at the wonder of His love and BIG heart!
Others had children going through surgeries back home, prayed for them and then found out that they surgery went well. All we can say is a big, BIG, big : Praise God alone!!!! All the glory to His Name!
I told them just like that apostols were telling to people who were touch by God..’’The Kingdom of God has come near you!”

..and it’s so true, that God as put poor people with a purpose among us, saying in Old Testament, „that there is always going to be poor people among you” , so that we can get into action. They are actually a channel to lead us to God’s amazing heart.
...this is not finished. I know God has so many other good stories prepared to come to encourage us and move us into action!

28 October 2012, Stavanger.